Cairns Birds

Cairns Birdwatching - Rare and Interesting sightings. Bird Routes - Cairns, Atherton, Mareeba. By John Seale See or for Local Bird Club program and news.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


gouldian form

Gouldian Finch Observation Record Sheet

Observer Details


Street Address:_______________________________________________________________

Suburb/Town:_____________________Post Code:______________Country:____________



Email: ______________________________________________________________________

I was the observer
A friend or family member was the observer
Other, please state_________________________________________________________
Have you ever been to the Mareeba Wetlands?_____________________________________

Have you seen the Goulidan Finches in the aviary at the Visitor Centre?_______________

Have you seen Gouldian Finches in the wild before?________________________________

Location Details

Site name:___________________________________________________________________

Nearest landmarks i.e. signs, posts etc.: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nearest town:_________________________________________________________________

State or province: _____________________________________________________________

General description: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Geographical coordinates (Latitude, Longitude – degrees, minutes and seconds)

Latitude:_______degrees_______minutes_______seconds SOUTH or decimal:__________

Longitude:_______degrees _______minutes_______seconds EAST or decimal:__________

Map Grid coordinates (Eastings, Northings and Map Zone)

Easting:__________________Northing:__________________Map Zone:_______________

Datum (applies to GPS units and maps):__________________________________________

Method (i.e. GPS, Map):________________________________________________________

Accuracy (to metres):__________________________________________________________

(Please note: GPS accurate readings preferred)

Behaviour Details

What were the birds doing? i.e. feeding, drinking, roosting


Any signs of breeding (courting behaviour, presence of nests etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Observation Details

Date and time of observation



Number and ages of finches seen:

How were the finches counted? ________________________________________________

All released Gouldian Finches from the Mareeba Wetlands are individually metal and colour banded. The metal band is usually placed on the upper right tarsus (lower leg) and a master colour band below the metal band. The left tarsus contains two colour bands.

Colour bands are read from the right leg first, from the top of the leg down towards the foot. E.g. Right leg: metal band over master colour band

Left leg: colour band over colour band

Band colours and codes include:

K = Black, W = White, Y = Yellow, R = Red, B = Blue, E = Light Blue,

G = Green, P = Purple

Metal and colour bands seen:
Right leg upper________________________ Right leg lower _________________________

Left leg upper _________________________Left leg lower ___________________________

Habitat (please describe exactly what you saw, i.e. main trees, shrubs and grasses present, landscape, soil etc.):


Thank you for submitting this form

Please return this completed form to: Mareeba Wetland Foundation, PO Box 175, Mareeba, QLD 4880. Phone: 07 4093 2514, email:


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